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What a year it has been!

  • By Kerryn Costello
  • October 28, 2020

Hi everyone and welcome to our new blog, we thought it would be a good idea to try and keep you updated with what we are up to, any cool projects we are working on and any good news we read along the way!

Wow what a year 2020 has been and we still have 2 months to go! We have been involved with so many great projects and were also able to give back to the community!

The year started with some of the biggest Australian bush fires we have ever seen and we had to do our part to support those in need. We teamed up with the amazing Kasey Rainbow and designed shirts, stubby coolers and stickers to raise funds for WIRES and support the injured and displaced animals. In total we donated $2300 to WIRES and we couldn’t be more grateful for the support we received from our friends and local business community!

COVID has certainly thrown us some curveballs this year and disrupted not only our business patterns but those of our clients as well. We had to think on our feet and find ways to continue trading as failing was not an option.

Combining our passion for helping the community and the cancellation of traditional ANZAC Day ceremonies, we teamed up with the Ipswich RSL Sub Branch to create 4 unique ANZAC Day stickers so people could proudly display their ANZAC spirit at home. As people gathered on their driveways at dawn, it truly was a unique experience that we will never forget. After the day was over we were proud to present Ipswich RSL Sub Branch with a donation of $1800.

Also born out of boredom for rev heads – our Lockdown Skids merchandise was a huge success! We had shirts, hoodies and stickers travelling all over Australia and New Zealand to keep our friends looking mint and warm during lockdown! The cars and burnouts may have caused a bit of a stir from the media, but at least everyone was looking sharp!

Now onto October. We were thrilled once again to be nominated for the City of Ipswich Business Excellence Awards and this year to be named a finalist for the Small Business of the Year category is such an honour! With over 600 businesses nominated for the awards, we are truly over the moon to be selected as a finalist and we can’t wait to attend the awards ceremony on the 7th of November. Even if we don’t take home the top award it is a great recognition for all the hard work, tireless hours and commitment to the Ipswich community that we at On Point love to do every day! Look out for a blog post after the night to see how well we scrub up!

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Kerryn & Dave