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Let’s talk Stubby Coolers!

  • By Kerryn Costello
  • November 18, 2020

Stubby Coolers, Stubby Holders, Koozies, Cosies, Huggies, whatever you like to call them, we love them!

But first, a little “cooler” history lesson!

Australia kicked off the stubby cooler craze in 1980’s! The short, stout sleeves are named after  our popular bottle size “stubbies”

In 1981 Bonnie McGough of Caldwell, Idaho filed a patent for an insulated sleeve she called a “cozy”, inspiring many other companies to create their own versions in the future.

1987 saw Scott Henderson of Plano, Texas file a patent for a fold-up insulated beverage container. This was the first design that was completely collapsible while also being able to stand upright on a table.

So who invented the stubby holder?

In Australia, Shane Walsh invented a “stubby holder” in the mid-1970’s. The Stubby Holder became particularly popular with surfers who used these foam drink sleeves as they hit the waves.

So that’s why Australian’s love Stubby Coolers so much?

At On Point we really love our Stubby Coolers! They are the gift that keeps on giving and your customers will think about you every time they take a sip out of their favourite can or stubby!

Our premium coolers are overlocked and sewn making them strong and durable. They look fantastic and with the right design by our creative team they will certainly stand out!

Check out some of our coolers already in circulation and send On Point an email when you are ready to make your business stand out, when your customers put their cans in!

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